Category: Retirement Plan

Proceed with Caution Following an Inherited IRA

A recent Supreme Court decision may allow creditors to access an inherited IRA to satisfy debt in the event of bankruptcy. In the case of Clark v. Rameker, the Supreme Court unanimously decided against the Heidi Heffron-Clark and Brandon C. Clark, finding that an IRA that Mrs. Clark inherited from

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The Secret FAQs Behind Social Security

Q: Does Social Security base the amount of my retirement benefit on my highest five years of earnings? A: No. The program applies an “average wage index” to all your working years up to two years before benefit eligibility, then averages your income from your 35 highest-earning years. If you

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A Retirement Plan is Much More Than Funding the Right Investment

Most retirees’ goals are to enjoy retirement, with such methods as travel, entertainment, and spending time with the children and grandchildren. This is what retirees want, rather than worrying about having enough money available for home healthcare or assisted living if needed, without the fear of running out of money,

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For more than a century, we have worked with individuals and families to translate their success into a meaningful and lasting legacy. Let us help you plan and probate your estate. Contact Us Today (215) 822-9750 for a FREE consultation.

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